About Us

Spring Hill trout fishery was created by Alan Manwarring in the early 80’s and has been owned and managed by Lee Green and his partner Jane since 2001.

Lee has been fishing since his childhood and has high standards when it comes to the management of the fishery.

Lee has a vast knowledge of the countryside and takes pride in keeping Spring Hill well maintained and natural at the same time, nurturing many native plants and trees. This in turn results in an abundance of insects and wildlife.

Whilst on your visit to Spring Hill you may well see Kingfisher, Woodpecker, Sparrowhawk, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Reed Bunting, Reed Warbler, Nuthatch, Heron, Little Grebe, Swallow, Swift, Housemartin and Siskin. We also see Common Buzzards here regularly and Little Egrets have been seen here winter 2010/11. In addition to the large variety of birds, you could also see Grass Snake, Common Lizard and Newts.

Spring Hill is fed by various springs which in turn feed Tudely Brook and then the Medway. The Lodge overlooks the tranquil setting of the Medway valley with fantastic views, on a good day as far as Bluebell hill to the north, beyond Maidstone.

Spring Hill prides itself on being a friendly place with a relaxed atmosphere.

Springhill Trout Waters
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